Contacting Teachers
Communication between home and school is highly regarded and valued at Karoo, and we pride ourselves on building strong relationships with our families. Teachers may be contacted via phone, email, through informal conversations, notes in student diary or by appointment. Please keep in mind however, that teachers regularly have meetings before and after school so if you require a detailed discussion an interview time should be arranged in advance.
‘Getting to know you’ Interviews
Held in Term 1, this interview provides a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and share any specific academic, social or emotional needs your child may have. Bookings are made through Compass.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
These interviews provide an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress following the release of the Semester One School Report.
Interpreter Service
Parents and carers who require assistance due to limited English or hearing impaired parents and carers who use sign language, have access to the interpreter service. An interpreter can be requested for school matters involving your child such as enrolments, educational progress, attendance, welfare or behaviour. Interpreters can also be requested for parent-teacher interviews and school meetings. Interpreter bookings are made by the school upon request.
Compass is a web-based school management system that allows parents to access a range of information regarding their child. By regularly logging in to Compass you will be kept well informed about what is happening at Karoo, and receive any information specific to your child. Parents can access Compass at their convenience via a smart phone or device connected to the internet. Parents will be able to:
- Approve past absences or enter upcoming absences for your son/daughter
- View up-to-date school attendance information
- Download, print, approve and pay upcoming events (excursions, incursions, etc)
- Book your Parent/Teacher interviews
- Access your child’s Semester Reports
- Receive communications including school updates and newsletters
- Update your email and mobile number details
- Receive an alert when actions are required
- Email your child’s teacher
The Karoo newsletter is produced fortnightly. Parents receive it electronically via Compass; it is also uploaded to the website and Compass School Documentation so parents may refer back to any edition throughout the year.
See Saw
Seesaw is a digital portfolio app that allows our students to capture their learning through various mediums. This creates a powerful partnership between students, teachers and families to share the classroom with home.
Guides for your information
Tutorials for your information
Click on the tutorial link you wish to view, complete your name and email address and click ‘register’.