Specialist Programs
Specialist Programs
Visual Arts
The Visual Arts program is enhanced by a designated teaching space, this light and spacious room provides a supportive environment to stimulate creativity and engagement. Specific guidance supports the students to explore a wide range of media and equipment. Students will explore the artistic areas of drawing, painting, collage, printing, modelling, construction, threads and textiles. Within these areas an emerging knowledge of skills, techniques and processes are formed. All students come to the Art lessons with a wide range of abilities, these are fostered in a caring, creative and supportive environment.

Performing Arts
The Performing Arts program includes music, drama and dance. The purpose built Performing Arts room is designed to support students to move freely as they explore rhythm, pitch, dynamics and melody. A wide variety of tuned and un-tuned musical instruments are a feature of our program. Singing is a major component of the program, students in all year levels learn songs to encourage oral language and confidence.
Dance provides opportunities for creative movement, they learn and create their own choreographed dances and move expressively to different types of music. Students respond to their own and others’ dancing using movement and other forms of communication.
In Drama, students explore mime, expression, improvisation and script writing. Students actively use body, gesture, movement, voice and language, taking on roles to explore and depict real and imagined worlds.
LOTE | Mandarin 楷仁小学热烈欢迎你!
The LOTE (Languages Other Than English) curriculum is offered as an integrated part of the curriculum. It is aimed at engaging students in thinking and reflecting on their own culture, wider civilisations that surround them and humanity in a broader sense. Students understanding of the language is enhanced and their skills developed by listening, understanding and speaking through games, songs, rhymes, role play and the use of technology. Besides communicating in Mandarin, they build an awareness and knowledge of the Chinese Culture.

The Media and Technologies Program at Karoo provides students with the opportunity to build their knowledge of media and technologies, by connecting the content studied in the classroom with the application of newfound media skills. Students will be involved in video production, using a green screen, photography and media arts. The Media and Technologies program aims to provide our students with the skills they need today and for a digital future. The program is very extensive commencing in Prep and progresses through to Year 6.
We aim to ensure that all students have opportunities to learn about scientific concepts in a safe, challenging and engaging environment. Our students in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 participate in Science lessons planned and implemented by their year level teachers. Students in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 participate in a weekly Science lesson with a designated teacher. They have access to an engaging learning environment, which has recently been upgraded to support students’ learning.
The focus throughout the school is for all students to gain a sound understanding of scientific concepts and how these relate to their lives. To assist in this process, we utilise the Australian Academy of Science- Primary Connections resources that link science with literacy, and enable students to achieve a comprehensive grasp of the basic scientific principles. This program compliments the main subjects within the Victorian Curriculum.

Physical Education
At Karoo Primary School we understand that Physical Education helps to develop students in many ways. Physical Education helps to develop sporting skills as well as personal and interpersonal learning. It is crucial that students develop basic fundamental motor skills such as running, hopping, jumping, skipping, catching, throwing, kicking and balancing. They are then able to develop the capacity to link these skills into more complex and coordinated movement sequences. Further development provides the opportunity to develop increasingly complex motor skills and begin to apply these to modified games and specific sports.
Students in Years 3-6 begin their involvement in major games, leading to their participation in team sports. They become familiar with the rules of many different sports, understand the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship in a setting that supports them to represent our school both as individuals and as a team member.
Students have access to excellent facilities including two large indoor spaces, well defined outdoor play spaces and courts and an athletics track.
Our intent is to prepare our students for a healthy and active lifestyle through the development of skills, knowledge, teamwork and a positive attitude.