Parent Involvement

How can I become part of the Karoo Community?

Parents are encouraged to embrace opportunities to become involved in our school, whether supporting classroom learning programs, special events or celebrations, School Council or Karoo Parents Association or simply by keeping up to date with school news and happenings. Your contributions are valued and long lasting in this exciting part of your children’s lives. For more information on how you can be an active member of the Karoo Community, please speak with your child’s teacher or our Principal.


Ways our Parents can Help

  • In the classroom (eg listening to children read)
  • Assisting at events (eg excursions, camps or sporting activities)
  • Supporting the school community (eg helping with working bees, sausage sizzles, fundraising activities, covering new books)
  • Joining School Council or KPA

All volunteers are required to hold a current Working with Children Check.

Karoo Parents Association 

Who we are

 The Karoo Parents Association, known as KPA, consists of committed parents with an interest in fostering the sense of community we have at Karoo amongst the families of our students.   The significance of parent and family involvement is important to giving our children the best possible experience of their primary school years.   Not just from an educational perspective but also from a social, wellbeing and broader community perspective.

KPA recognises the valuable and fun times that these primary school years are for us as parents. We want to offer a sense of belonging to all parents and carers, and being involved is always a lot of fun to be a part of. 

 What we do

 KPA play an integral role in the planning and implementation of a variety of different events and activities. We also take a leading role in helping the school to fundraise to support its many programs and activities. 

 Examples of some of the events that we have planned include:

  • Foundation Transition Morning Tea
  • Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls
  • Mother’s Day and Father’s Day celebrations
  • Online Auction
  • Second Hand Uniform Stalls
  • Trivia Nights amongst many others
  • Christmas Carols BBQ

 How you can be involved

 KPA has a core committee, which any family can join. As well as the committee we would appreciate as many helpers as possible to be involved in our ongoing activities and events. As a general rule we meet twice a term but please note that to be a part of the KPA you don’t need to attend regular meetings.

 We use the KPA Facebook group as our main way of calling out for volunteers and of celebrating our achievements throughout the year.  Please join to have access to all our events. 

 To be added to the Facebook group please search “KPA Community” via Facebook 

 To contact us please send a message to