

Karoo has a highly professional team of staff members, who are enthusiastic, dedicated educators committed to learning, and bringing out the very best in our students.


Leadership Team

Principal: Mrs Danielle Heatley (Acting Principal Term 1 – Mrs Courtney Hoffmann)
Assistant Principal (Teaching and Learning): Mrs Ashley Kuusela, Mrs Peta Phillips (Acting 2025)
Assistant Principal (Wellbeing and Inclusion): Mrs Courtney Hoffmann
Learning Specialists: Mrs Robyn Harris (Wellbeing / Middle Sub School), Mrs Simone Vitas (Mathmatics / Senior Sub School), Mrs Peta Phillips (English / Junior Sub School), Mrs Amy Ellis (English/Acting 2025)

Teaching Staff

Year 6 team: Ms Michelle Davies (Leader), Ms Gemma Wild, Mrs Alisa Hardware
Year 5 team: Mrs Emma Finnerty (Leader), Ms Sarah Dobson, Mr Josh Edwards
Year 4 team: Ms Clare McCandlish (Leader), Ms Cass Blonik / Mrs Robyn Harris (LS), Mrs Karen Corrales (Year 3/4)
Year 3 team: Mrs Fiona Marker (Leader), Ms Tia Beagley, Mrs Karen Corrales (Year 3/4)
Year 2 team: Mr Tim Wilson (Leader), Mrs Kat Bacalja/ Ms Beck Barton
Year 1 team: Mrs Madeline Diaz (Leader), Ms Karla Markovic, Mrs Alicia Gropel
Foundation team: Mrs Amy Ellis (Leader), Ms Tiana Dias, Mrs Claire Tilley
Specialists: Ms Jess Cole  – PLC Leader(The Arts), Mrs Lauren Kavanagh (PE), Mr Adam Horne (Media & Tech), Ms Katie Smith (Science), Mr John Oldham (The Arts), Ms Hilary Cheng (Mandarin)

Tutors: Mrs Simone Vitas, Mrs Robyn Harris

Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader:  Ms Kathryn Bacalja

Respectful Relationship Coordinator:  Mrs Karen Corralas

Support Staff

Education Support Staff:  Ms Lindsey Whitehouse, Mr Tim Lai, Mrs Cei Marasco, Mrs Lisa McDonald, Mrs Joyce Young, Ms Tanya Caulfield, Ms Crystal Bartlett, Mrs Georgia Lintern, Ms Jess Wilmott, Ms Poppy Goyne, Ms Kate Bliss, Ms Frances Van Galaan, Ms Sophie Tanzimat, Ms Amber Majic, Mr Matt Evans, Ms Rhiannon Beatty, Mrs Lauren Billotto, Ms Alex Grant, Ms Sindhu Havanur, Ms Kim Milne, Mrs Stevie Hjorth

Wellbeing Liason:  Mrs Paula Pearce

Office Administration

Business Manager: Mrs Sue Baxter
Administration: Mrs Sally Goyne, Mrs Anna Nicolas, Mrs Karen Sexton

Outside School Hours Care

Mrs Melissa Newlands (Co-ordinator), Mrs Michelle Coulsen (Assistant Co-Ordinator), Mr Tim Lai, Mrs Jodie Mitchell