Out of School Hours Care
Program Co-ordinator: Melissa Newlands
Phone: 9759 6288
The Outside School Hours Care Program is operated under the control of the School Council and is a non-profit program. A subcommittee of School Council meets regularly and welcomes your attendance. Notification of meetings will be given in the School newsletter and/or by a note beside the Sign In/Out book in the Outside School Hours Care room.
The program operates Monday to Friday during the school term, and caters for all children from Foundation to Year 6. Occasional care must be booked by phoning 9759 6288.
We provide quality care and education through play and exploration in a safe and secure environment.
School Day Hours
Before School Care:
Operates between 6:30am – 8:45am.
Child Care Subsidy applies to eligible families (see below).
After School Care:
Operates between 3:30pm – 6:00pm on school days and between 2:30pm/1:30pm – 6:00pm on ‘end of term’ days.
Child Care Subsidy applies to eligible families (see below).
Pupil Free Days:
Operates between 7:00am – 6:00pm
Child Care Subsidy applies to eligible families (see below). Cost varies based on activities planned.
Child Care Subsidy
Child Care Subsidy are payments made by the Commonwealth Government, generally paid directly to the child care providers, to assist parents of children in approved childcare services. Child Care Subsidy is available for Outside School Hours Care sessions including Curriculum Days. Fees for Outside School Hours Care vary depending on the individual’s level of Child Care Subsidy. Child Care Subsidy is means tested.

Out School Hours Care Form
Our enrolment form is now available online at www.smartcentral.net/v2/service_profile/show/409 and must be completed in full and submitted before students commence in the OSHC Program. A registration fee of $10 will be added to the parent’s account once care has commenced.